How to Increase Web Traffic for Free

Increasing traffic is something our Search Engine Optimisation West Midlands team specialise in. You can spend countless hours making your web page the most professional, sleek and modern version of itself that it can possibly be, but this won’t do you much good if you don’t know how to get it visible to an audience […]

What is WordPress and How to Use It

A dedicated website is a valuable resource to have, and can have a range of practical applications whatever your exact interests are; perhaps you want to use it to host your blog, or promote and raise awareness for your business, or start selling a product that you make. Whatever the reason, making use of the […]

5 Fool Proof Ways to Generate 40% More Leads in One Week

If business is stagnant, or worse declining, you need to act fast. You need to develop a strategy that will provoke interest and engagement with your brand, and while building up your business can be a slow process there are several things you could do turn things around. Either contact our West Midlands Online Marketing […]

Effective Online Marketing Strategies for Startups

Whatever your business offers, there are always more ways you could be making better use of the internet. It’s a cost-effective resource that allows you to connect with businesses, customers and clients all over the world – so don’t ignore it or take it for granted. It’s a particularly great resource for startups, and if […]

How Will a Website Help My Business?

If you’re a small business and only have a local following, you might not think that having a website will make any difference to your company. In fact, many small business owners don’t feel the need to have a website or use social media. However, having an online presence in this way can make a […]

How to Market Your Small Business with no Budget

As a business, especially a small one, there will be a lot of demands on your finances. It can make many decisions difficult, including how to create an effective marketing strategy with little or no money. However, you can still create good ways of marketing without having to spend a lot of money. In fact, […]

Using Disqus in your WordPress website

For today’s web design tip, I just wanted to talk a little bit about Disqus. Disqus is a commenting system you can install on your website. For regular readers, this will be no shock that I’ll be looking at Disqus’ integration with WordPress. Compatibility So Disqus is one of the easiest things I’ve installed in WordPress and got working. It […]

The Importance of User Experience in your Websites Redesign

Undoubtably 2016 will continue to see a strong shift by designers towards easier to use, user focussed designs. The days of keyword stuffing and content-heavy websites seem a distant memory, Google, consumer demand & online marketers have all played a major role in this advance. Thank you Google Algorithms such as Panda, have allowed online […]

Choosing the right web design agency

So you’ve got your business going, perhaps even got them all important first few clients on board, however you know in order for your business to really get going you’ll need a website, but with the vast amount of web design agencies in and around Birmingham alone how do you go about choosing the right […]