5 Things Your Website Needs to Convert Customers

To succeed in today’s business world, it’s vital you have a website. Rather than listening to word of mouth recommendations, people now choose to use the internet, in particular, the online search engines. Websites come in a wide range of shapes, sizes and colours, each of which will have its own unique capabilities. While each […]

The 5 Web Design Concepts Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

Any entrepreneur worth their salt will appreciate the benefit of a website. People no longer rely on word of mouth as a recommendation. Instead the mighty search engine has taken its place. A successful online presence is the only way to keep up with the competition. Get the design of your website right, and you’ll […]

The Best Easter Eggs Online

To some, an Easter egg is simply a chocolatey gift you give friends and family in March or April. However, to others, Easter eggs are little nuggets that are subtly littered throughout movie franchises, TV series’ and even online, where they link to another movie, TV show or part of the internet. These can be […]

£50,000 Give Away… (Well Sort Of)

Research has uncovered that almost three-quarters of people now use the internet when they want to find out about services or buy products. The days of word of mouth are long gone. The salesperson is almost redundant, and we now rely on our smartphones, laptops, tablets and desktops to tell us what we should be […]

The Different Types of Web Design Client

If you’re new to freelancing as a web designer you’re probably feeling a little nervous about the first few clients you pull out the bag. What will they be like? Will they be overly demanding? Or will they be the type that gives you free reign? They could be either of these or something else […]

5 Business Hacks For Start-Ups

Starting a new business venture is extremely exciting, and before you get started, you should familiarise yourself with the successful strategies of those that have gone before you. In other words, you need to conduct thorough research into how best to get started, where to invest your cash, how to create an informative and stunning […]

5 Web Design Mistakes Small Businesses Make

If you’re a small business owner, then be sure to steer clear of making the same mistakes as many who have gone before you. Web design is hugely important to the success of your business, and it needs to be compatible across a range of platforms including tablet and mobile, as well as being enticing, […]

Why Conventional Web Design Is Dead

The world wide web is forever expanding, and it’s growing at a startling rate – what’s considered new and fresh one minute is thought to be outdated the next. Trends fall in and out of favour quickly; new technologies develop and often people have to familiarise themselves with new instructions, design, and setups. Conventional design […]

What’s the difference between a Web Designer and a Developer?

It’s important to bear in mind that the line separating designers from developers is very blurred. For example I work alongside many ‘web designers’ who posses impressive ‘development’ skills and also ‘website developers’ who can hold their own with their design skills. So let’s start to distinguish and clarify the difference in roles, by breaking […]